When Puppies Open Their Eyes Are They Blue
It this stage they are wholly blue.
When puppies open their eyes are they blue. A puppies eyes are closed at birth and stay closed for the first 8 to 14 days of life. Their body color is generally pink and it slowly transforms into the color of the breed. Their eyes only begin to reveal themselves and slowly open after that point. The first development in puppies eyesight occurs when they open their eyes for the first time mostly within the 10 and 14 days.
As the pups complete on the week the eyes remain closed. Two and three week old puppies will be able to track objects with their eyes and judge how far away a toy or a moving object is. When they first time opens their eyes puppies can see light and motion or gesture. Puppies eyes will continue to develop over the next several weeks reaching full vision around eight weeks of age.
The eyes will gradually open wider revealing grayish blue eyes with a hazy appearance. Puppies ears begin to open soon after the eyes do generally around 14 to 18 days old. Puppy s eyes start out lighter in color because the iris lacks melanin. Generally by the age of two months most puppies will have brown eyes unless they are genetically predisposed to maintain the blue eye color as seen in certain breeds such as this siberian husky puppy in the picture.
A few types of puppies open their eyes sooner than others while some of them take longer time. Puppies eyes are closed for the first 8 to 14 days of their lives. They can see the beautiful world with their eyes. It is only in the second week that the eyes start to open slowly.
This is the time to enjoy the blue eyed stage where their eyes are blue and wholly uniform in color meaning there is no change from the irises to the pupils. Some puppies eyes are bluer than others and some can even have a slightly grayish appearance at least at first. When the puppies are born their eyes are all closed. A puppy s eyes will turn their permanent color at around 2 months of age.
Their open eyes continue to develop for several more weeks. That is there is no visible difference between the iris and the pupil. Right around the two week old mark you ll see his eyes start to open and more often than not they will be foggy and bluish.