Tabby Cat Breeds Short Hair

Solid tabby calico tortoiseshell bicolor particolor and more.
Tabby cat breeds short hair. The breed comes in many color points including lynx points that are also known as tabby. 2 british shorthair. The coats of persian cats have an almost unlimited variety with tortoiseshell calico tabby and smoked patterning being as common as solid color cats. Siamese cat the siamese cat is a breed of domestic short haired cats that originated in thailand.
The coat of the american lynx cats bears a bit resemblance to the bobcats. 1 exotic shorthair. A fifth includes tabby as part of another basic color pattern e g the patched tabby which may be a calico or tortoiseshell cat with tabby patches the latter is called a torbie. A short thick coat comes in a large assortment of colors and patterns.
3 american shorthair. Most popular short hair cat breeds. It is no surprise the tabby cat is ubiquitous. Some pointed breeds also allow tabby points within their color standards.
These cats have a spotted coat with short hairs. Himalayan cats are a type of persian breed which have the characteristics of other persian cats in their mouth shape hair length and general behavioral traits. Find the perfect name for a cat with two different eye colors click thumbnail to view full size. He has medium size ears that are slightly rounded at the tips and large wide eyes.
The manx cat the scottish fold cat the american short hair british short hair oriental short hair cat siberian cat exotic short hair cat and the persian cat. A large head with a full cheeked face gives the american shorthair a sweet open expression. In the cat fancy and among veterinarians and animal control agencies domestic short haired cats may be classified with organisation specific terminology often capitalized such as domestic shorthair dsh. Breeds that may have heterochromia include.
The colorpoint shorthair was a breed created by crossing siamese with abyssinian and other red coated domestic cats. Even exotic breeds like the laperm cat munchkin cat american curl the sphynx cat and the devon rex and cornish rex cats have tabby colored individuals on a regular basis. The tabby colorpoint shorthairs have an m marking on their forehead and darker bands on their legs and tails. The gene for the tabby pattern can be found in all domestic cats.
They have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years and weigh about 6 to 9 pounds is one of the most newly developed breeds of cats.