Pound Puppies Cartoon Theme Song

This song uses the same melody from the opening title sequence of the tv special.
Pound puppies cartoon theme song. Goodbye bright eyes sung by cooler nose marie howler and whopper how to found a pound. No songs snowbound pound. Bright eyes song to shauna episode 5. Season 1 theme song sung by the pound puppies season 2 theme song sung by the pound puppies bright eyes come home.
80 s cartoon intro pound puppies 1986. I put together and edit stuff 83 enjoy. Developed for television by rugrats and recess co creator paul germain and rugrats writer recess co creator joe ansolabehare. Cartoon tv theme songs from your childhood ultimate edition 90 s 2000 s nostalgic overload duration.
John o hurley provided the voice of the announcer who introduced the pound puppies. All content belongs to hasbro. Pound puppies and the legend of the big paw song part 1. No songs from wags to riches.
The season 2 theme song is a song that was used in the title sequence in season 2 of the pound puppies tv series. The pound puppies theme has some similarities with the disney s recess theme a show that the co creators of pound puppies paul germain and joe ansolabehere previously created.