Lort Smith Phone Number

If you have an emergency or wish to make an appointment please call 03 9328 3021 or book online.
Lort smith phone number. Adoption hub 38 villiers street north melbourne vic 3051. 6 reviews of lort smith animal hospital i wanted another cat. Should you wish to provide us with feedback please complete the form below. 03 9287 6426.
To receive our newsletters and hear the leatest from lort smith. Animal hospital 24 villiers street north melbourne vic 3051. It has been two years since my last cat died at the old age of 20. Adoption hub 38 villiers street north melbourne vic 3051.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I wanted a kitten a domestic short hair female not white because i wear a lot of black clothes and not a tabby either like my last cat. Abn 87 004 238 475. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
During emergency service hours we have a limited number of staff working. To the minute updates and announcements. All lort smith consultations require an appointment and due to our caseload there can be a wait of several days for some procedures. However we have staff caring for patients 24 hours a day.
Lort smith understands that the victorian government testing blitz might affect your ability to attend your appointment with your pet. I looked at the lort smith s website for kittens to adopt but i couldn t see any adult cats even some pedigree ones. We are open every day from 8 30am 10pm during covid 19. Animal hospital 24 villiers street north melbourne vic 3051.
To the minute updates and announcements. To receive our newsletters and hear the leatest from lort smith. If your pet is currently an inpatient and you would like to speak to your vet please call after 12pm once rounds have been conducted on 03 9328 3021. If you are considering sending a case for emergency surgery please ring.